“Unfolding of the Cosmic Seed” is an animated digital mandala that draws upon the timeless wisdom encoded in the sacred geometries of the Sri Yantra, whose ethereal patterns birth a sublime interplay of light, color and form that catalyzes an expansion of awareness. Iridescent geometries morph and intertwine in resonance with the fractal codes underlying all existence - an endless cosmic dance choreographed by the same harmonic frequencies that unfurl the celestial rhythms.
An evocative portal into the psychedelic depths of pure Being, the artwork invites the viewer on a visionary journey of self-discovery amidst the infinite planes of beauty and cosmic insight that underlie our perceived reality.
Through meditative resonance with the mystical energies emanating from this arcane piece, transcendent dimensions of perception are unveiled. Surrender to the perpetual unfolding of this breathtaking digital dreamscape to experience a blossoming of your infinite potential.