This photo was taken the night of September 30th 2021. While setting up our tripods in the thick weeds, my friend & I saw two police officers pass by. When they started to slow the vehicle I knew they were going to u-turn the first opportunity they had. I took that time to set my focus on the house, guessed a shutter speed, (it was quite dark) & waited.
As they pulled up I pressed the shutter button on my intervalometer, triggering a 10 second exposure. I set the intervalometer on the tripod, & walked towards the officers as the night sky lit up in flashes of blue & red. This is the result of that 10 second seconds.
For anyone born in the late 80's or early 90's, "Cops is Watching" was a reference to a song/lyric on Da Drought & The Carter by Lil Wayne. If you were a kid at the time, you've likely heard it.