In the vast cosmos, a mysterious alien race known as the Krun, or the KYLLIMIR-AUK Race, has long captured the imagination of Earth's ufologists. Hailing from two distant home planets nestled within the constellation Megopei, these enigmatic beings share the same average height as humans but have been branded as "parasites" by many other interstellar civilizations.
The Krun's first visit to Earth shrouds in prehistoric mystery, with the date lost to the sands of time. Unlike secretive extraterrestrial visitors, the Krun openly conduct abductions of human males, leaving behind a trail of perplexing encounters throughout history. Their ultimate ambition: to colonize Earth, a goal they have relentlessly pursued.
However, their grand design remains unfulfilled due to the protection offered by a coalition of alien races, referred to as the "Council of the Five." This alliance has thwarted the Krun's attempts to make Earth their new home.
The Krun themselves possess unique characteristics, as they are hermaphrodites, capable of both reproduction and self-sustenance. Their lifespan reaches 120 years, and their expansionist tendencies have led them to colonize at least 26 planets beyond their home systems. It is estimated that they have abducted over 5,000 human males, and their presence on Earth has been noted at least 200 times, with the last sighting reported in September 2006, near Nome, Alaska, USA.
The Krun remain a fascinating enigma in the realm of alien encounters, with their complex history and peculiar actions continuing to baffle and intrigue Earth's curious inhabitants.