In a enchanted city, there lived a little boy who wished to buy a blue pencil. The ruler, a devilish figure, of the city seized the trees on the brink of winter and ordered that anyone who wanted to buy firewood to warm their home had to gift him one of their eyes. The boy realized that from now on the price of wood would become much heavier and he wouldn't be able to buy a blue colored pencil. With the only pencil he had, a black one, he went up a hill and put the pencil inside one of his balloons to send it to God in hopes that God might turn his pencil blue. The devilish guards saw him and got angry that he sent a piece of wood to the sky without the ruler's permission. They attacked him, and the boy ran in fear towards the reeds of the city and hided, but the devilish guards came with their tanks and fired at everywhere. The boy was no longer alive, & his balloons did not fly in the sky.