Dlawr: Photo a Day 2024
"Everything is Always Working Out For Me"
Day #84/366
Dlawr: Photo a Day 2024
I really believe that everything works out. It may not always be how we envision it or even want it to, but it always works out. Always.
Today is day 84. I visited my Junior year English teacher, Mr. Kowars. He recently published a book and was doing a signing at the library. He told us how he created the material for his book 25 years ago and never planned to publish it. Then one day out of the blue he got a call on the subject and one thing led to another and now he has a book that's selling really well.
I think about all the projects I've never finished or the things that seemed to disappear and go nowhere.
What if we believed it was all for a purpose.
What if everything actually worked out for us?
I believe this to my core. Or at the very least, I'm trying to.
"Everything is Always Working Out For Me"