Is an allegory of human sophistication that has been transformed into ruins, a reflection of the ideal constructions posed upon the natural world and the preeminence of the notion of a fictitious natural world.
My pandas are themselves masks shaped like the ideal of the animal, a fallacy, a sophism, and they are also my own mask.
I aim for each of them to serve as a reminder of the individual's condition in the face of the colossal force of nature, of the perverse notion of self-superiority over the other, of our masks, of the irreparable wounds that reveal our inner composition, of the aberration present in the ideal of perfection, of how we are always the same and different, of how each thing will eventually become a broken vestige of an era.
My pandas have plastic fur; some of them bear a broken mask that unveils their face, which is identical to the mask that covers it and is, in turn, another mask in itself, concealing the contradiction that forms them from within. Their wounds can reveal a spiral galaxy with visual glitches or affect their eyes, their gaze.
The series "The Pandas from the Fire Valley" is an allegory of human sophistication and contradictions, in which I propose a revision of concepts such as extinction, speciesism, mutation, mask, symmetrical aberrations, nature, and the cycles of life and the destiny of things.
Title: Panda Vestige
Collection: Cotama ToykenS
Digital art
1200 X 1400 pixels
21 Sec
28.2 MB