This is the first cyanotype image from the Flamin-go with Love collection. This art work is based on the physical sculpture launched in 2023 at Burning Man. This NFT is based on the physical cyanotype made in 2024. The physical print will be raffled off in 6 months from the mint date.
For the first time in the history of the world, art can directly have a monetary impact on underserved and unbanked people worldwide. "Flamin-go with Love" is a series of NFT drops in support of Impact Market- a crypto Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) protocol supporting people globally - some who live on under $2 a day. When this NFT is purchased, 50% of the proceeds will be airdropped to the phones of people in the Coroadinho UBI community program in Maranhão, Brazil. People can buy food, medicine, and clean water at local businesses that are also onboarded onto the protocol.
By focusing on the power of a 'flamboyance,' or a flock of flamingos, to be a force of resilience --often surviving inhospitable climates such as salt flats -- they show us how to band together to enact global change. With a red flamingo symbolizing the strength of individual connections, a pink flamingo symbolizing global interconnectivity, and a heart capturing the power of love and the human spirit's capacity for care, "Flamin-go with Love" reminds us that by joining forces, we can bring the power of love to those who may otherwise feel powerless.