Being a ruler comes with many perks. However being one who is worshipped across a world can be somewhat disappointing.
On the rare occasion it can be just like one imagined. Full of celebration, veneration, thanks and praise. Subjects groveling at your feet. Showered in gifts, halls filled with royal feasts.
Today however, The Genegier Ni are reminded of the responsibilities a ruler must undertake.
As they enter each factory on their royal tour, there is no crowd to greet them, no gifts to be showered in. Only a mundane series of educational tours, to learn how the industrial heart of their home functions.
Nerves unhinged, confidence waning, thier guide begins to stammer as he walks them through the factory floor.
Workers halt in the middle of their tasks to bow as they pass. One haphazardly sets a tool too close to machine. It falls between a set of gears, compresses and squeezes as the pressure loads it like a spring.
In mere seconds it comes shooting out like an arrow, it's path now headed straight at the head of their guide.
The thought of it striking crosses Dosi's mind as her senses watch it travel. She fantasizes about it striking, ending the mundane tour and the quivering babble of the guide. A glorious conclusion to an educational bore. Duty however, gets the better of her, for now she must protect her subjects and show them that she cares.
Her hand flings out from her side and catches the tool moments before it strikes the look of surprise off the face of her guide.
As only royalty could, she walks gracefully over to the worker and places the tool in a safe place as both the guide and the worker drop to the ground with hands clasped, praying and thanking her for her heroism.
As she walks away further down the line, Gerone steps near the tour guide. His deep voice needs but only a few words to make his point. "It would seem you have a need for Protor employment. Your request is approved." He slowly walks off, following Dosi.
"Whoah! You are one lucky - woo!" Genner playfully grabs the tool and simulates it's path with his hand, then flicks the tour guide in the nose. "Ha!". He walks off abruptly, tossing the tool in the air. The tour guide catches it and nearly fumbles it before finally securing it in his hands, sweat dripping from his face.