Take a trip through the lyrical vista of Kashmir's tranquil landscapes, expertly woven together with an eye-catching museum cutout and a digital tapestry of patterns.
Every component comes together like the chapters of a novel, beckoning investigation into countless creative and cultural spheres.
This triptych is a work of imaginative art that perfectly captures the spirit of innovation, culture, and nature. Behold the beautiful fusion of regal themes, carefully curated cultural history, and the grandeur of nature on one digital canvas.
The artists in the artwork are as follows:
Mir Aquib - Photographer
X Handle: @iammirauqib
Siyasense - Artist | Founder | Collector|
X Handle: @Siya_Siya_99
The Sober Guy - Digital Artist | Writer
X Handle: @thesoberguy_
Collaged by
Bita - Collage Artist & Photographer
X Handle: @Bitaemm