EDOUARD / On Chain My Art
“Entrelacs” is a mesmerizing animated piece whose name draws its inspiration from the intricate, interwoven curves that fragment the spatial plane. The work delves deep into the poetic essence of the pixel, unfolding a symphony of fiery hues, reminiscent of an endless volcanic eruption.
The artist draws upon and extends the traditional techniques of pixel art. The looped animation of the colors alone creates an impression of movement, despite the shapes themselves remaining static, evoking the famous phrase from Visconti’s “The Leopard”: “Il faut que tout change pour que rien ne change” (For everything to stay the same, everything must change).
While the color scheme may recall imagery of lava and blazing intensity, the work’s slow and continuous movement imparts a soothing and meditative atmosphere. This intriguing juxtaposition invites viewers to explore the interplay between contrasting emotions and sensations.
Though “Entrelacs” is part of a series of works created using the same technique, its distinct appearance sets it apart as a unique and singular piece.
Exhibited from March 29th to April 8th, 2023 at NFT Factory Paris.