"Upload" captures the fluidity of existence and the transmutation of form that speaks to the essence of the digital age. The figure of the artist dissolves into a cascade of movement, an ethereal presence ascending from the earthy, time-worn tiles of a roof towards the expanse of the open sky, embodying the concept of uploading consciousness, a poignant metaphor for the transference of human identity and spirit into the boundless realm of Ethereum. As the figure dematerializes, it resonates with the process of transformation inherent in the minting of an NFT, the artist existing simultaneously in the physical and digital worlds, yet bound to neither.
The long exposure photograph, once a fixed (although extended) moment in time, becomes a perennial entity through Ethereum. As it enters the blockchain, it defies the constraints of the physical world, its value and significance metamorphosed by the technology that underpins it. "Upload" is not just an image but a portal, inviting the viewer to witness the metamorphosis of art in the age of crypto, a testament to the transformative power of human creativity when fused with the revolutionary force of the blockchain.
2160 x 3840 jpeg, photograph by Hugo Faz.
Signed archival fine art print to be shipped to collector upon request.