BasedRetardGang LuvBug 推出:SUPER BASS 2 - Nicki Minaj 的热门歌曲 Super Bass 期待已久的续集。 SUPER BASS 2 是对 Super Bass 的“硬流行”重新诠释,由 BRG LuvBug 提供全新的声乐表演。 SUPER BASS 2 开创了混音的新先例!你能在这个充满活力的 AV/NFT 区块链高科技金钱帮派音乐体验中找到所有彩蛋吗?
BasedRetardGang LuvBug Presents: SUPER BASS 2 - The long awaited sequel to the hit song Super Bass by Nicki Minaj. SUPER BASS 2 is a \'hardpop\' reinterpretation of Super Bass with a completely new vocal performance courtesy of BRG LuvBug. SUPER BASS 2 is setting a new precedent of what a remix can be! Can you find all the easter eggs in this vibrant AV/NFT blockchain high tech money gang musical experience?