Digital painting.
Panoramic view of digitally hand sculpted metamorphic architectural space.
Inspired by the Theory of Big Bang and expansion of the Metaverse.
The Big Bang layed the foundation for everything that we know as life. The evolution of life brought us to a unique moment in history when we can witness an explosion of new technology and creation of the Metaverse. What is the future of the Metaverse?
Pulsars are rapidly rotating neutron stars that blast out pulses of radiation at regular intervals ranging from seconds to milliseconds. Pulsars have strong magnetic fields that funnel particles along their magnetic poles accelerating them to relativistic speeds, which produces two powerful beams of light, one from each pole.
In this artwork we want to visualize an architectural landscape of expanding space of Web3.
Digitally hand sculpted in 3D, the artwork stems from architectural research in-depth, project Interface.