Eth Ending
Contract Overview

ETH Value:
$0.00(@ $3,005.21/ETH)

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Token Tracker: i did some research..hmm also recently i activated my giga brain cells..Soooo, can somene end eth trending crap? Hmmmm..giga bran should do that yeah..lets talk ETH trending that every jeet is asking for as soon as he joins the group..first of all, it started with company sending bots to every new launched token to spam chat with messages asking for trending and soft fuding devs who don’t do it..btw company owner is the biggest cunt in space existance and many of you know who that is..lets break it down for you..It is fully booked 24/7 its actually hard to get a spot, you need to hustle to get in click on exact minute.. so to elaborate, toxic jeet bots behaviour spread into poor degenerate minds and now they peer pressure devs as well..still breaking it down and later you might re-think if you want to keep pushing us developers to pay the eth trend bot..hmmmmm is it is..So i did math..Top 8 is 0.25/2h,Top 18 is 0.15/2h,meaning 0.4 generated in 2h per slot equals 0.2/h x18 postions x 24 hours bags that cunt 150k..150000$ a day bro..87.5 eth a day bro..wen tredning? You want trending, i will get you one sure.. what is another .25 into dudes pocket if it the last time he receives it from me and we grow the ending army..hmmm ok Developer of eth trending bags 2600 eth a month equals 4 milion dollars a month bro..thats crazy! Cunt went from .15 porn dirt spaming in chats to millionaire in matter of weeks.. Best thing he has 0 interaction with people and every other dev has to fight his pajeet army. Its all done by the bots. Ffs 4 mil a month.. Another way to say that: This ugly scammer is not just in the top 1% income rates, or top 0.1% — he is in the top 0.000001% in the world, according to market watch.. hmmm giga brain will make us rich. Time to get that 4 mil a month back in market and stop feeding this cunts… wennn trending?? Wen, wen.. how about wen ending of this non-sense liquidity sucking pajeet company..hmm ticker is? (ENDING) (@ $0.000008)
Latest 50 from a total of 25 transactions
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