Overview ERC20


Total Supply:
0.41 UNI-V2

Profile Summary
Ethereum (1)

Txn Hash
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000009245325871707 UNI-V2
1 days 18 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000009245325871707 UNI-V2
1 days 18 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000006398548120559 UNI-V2
7 days 20 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000006398548120559 UNI-V2
7 days 20 hrs ago
Add Liquidity ETH
0.000006398548120559 UNI-V2
8 days 5 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000022628338412422 UNI-V2
8 days 22 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000022628338412422 UNI-V2
8 days 22 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000436634551262143 UNI-V2
12 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000436634551262143 UNI-V2
12 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000007273425229452 UNI-V2
13 days 1 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000007273425229452 UNI-V2
13 days 1 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000029003783107721 UNI-V2
18 days 9 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000029003783107721 UNI-V2
18 days 9 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000085886239281986 UNI-V2
18 days 20 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000085886239281986 UNI-V2
18 days 20 hrs ago
Add Liquidity ETH
0.000037775781814485 UNI-V2
21 days 1 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000013011341060172 UNI-V2
22 days 17 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000013011341060172 UNI-V2
22 days 17 hrs ago
Add Liquidity ETH
0.000013011341060172 UNI-V2
22 days 17 hrs ago
Add Liquidity ETH
0.000029003783107721 UNI-V2
24 days 7 hrs ago
Add Liquidity ETH
0.000398858769447658 UNI-V2
26 days ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000009044905410061 UNI-V2
27 days 23 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000009044905410061 UNI-V2
27 days 23 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000065619864730082 UNI-V2
33 days 18 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity ETH With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000065619864730082 UNI-V2
33 days 18 hrs ago